As a volunteer and POR member, I am proud to say that Preserve Our Roots is a budding NGO that has gone on to conquer the hearts and minds of future change makers. From youth empowerment camps to climate change awareness programs, and even online workshop events, the POR experience is one filled with positive vibes and charged spirits, eager to make a change.
One such program was a climate change awareness program that I participated in a few months ago: Making An Impact. We got the chance to spread awareness of a growing problem in society with those who will grow up to find solutions. Each drama they acted out, each worksheet they filled out, and each video we watched had a purpose. It was to show them the effects of climate change on the environment. To show them the people living in areas highly affected, and watch as they thought up solutions they thought might work. The camp was an adventurous one. We started with a tour around the building to excite the kids as we showed them each new exciting part of the venue and harnessed the newfound energy in getting them acquainted with one another. We didn’t want them to leave the program knowing barely anyone by name, and with dull expressions on their faces. We made sure each aspect was attention-grabbing and insightful.
Another camp we helped set up and volunteered in was a youth empowerment program held at Living Fountain Orphanage: Dream Catchers. A program we feel lucky to have been a part of. We witnessed ideas take root in young minds and visions mapped out on cardboard.
It was like watching the future start to unfold as we educated them on problems in society and listened to their various innovative ideas of how to solve them. We heard different compelling solutions, like uniting the people as one to prevent tribal discrimination and simple yet effective solutions like maintaining a pure heart and just morals to prevent corruption.
The program wasn’t all talk of problems in society though. We had the kids map out vision boards, where they could cut out and paste newspaper clippings that signified what they wanted to do with their lives. Grace showed powerful women and cut out words such as “strength” because she knew she wanted to be a woman in power when she grew up. She knew she wanted to bring about change. Divine presented cut-outs of men playing football, and talked to us about how he had plans to go pro in football one day. Each kid had something new and unique to say.
Even the little ones, who stated they wanted to be a president, a football player, and a business owner all at once. Each presentation was like a glimpse into each child’s vision for their future. With all the fun we had, it seemed suitable to end the camp with a clip from UNICEF. It showed what multiple other children had achieved in life. Despite most of the adults looking down on them and telling them they were just children, they were still able to achieve great things. We hoped the video would instill a sense of hope, that they too could do something as great or greater. Because we know they can, and that’s what Preserve Our Roots is trying to show kids all around the world.
We believe that both camps had a tremendous effect on the kids that attended. That they learned something that would change their mindsets and goals. We know that each child is unique and powerful in their own way. The camps we organized show as much. Every question and comment was insightful, and the moments we got to spend with the kids were some of our best. Preserve Our Roots believes kids can do amazing things, and that’s what we’re trying to show others. With just a little push, amazing results could be brought about.